Anxious dog hiding under blanket

Anxiety in Dogs, A vet explains causes, signs, and Treatment 2023

As a veterinarian, I have seen lots of dogs with anxiety. As a result, I have seen many owners anxious about their dog’s anxiety. If this is you, do not worry, you are not alone. This can range from shaking when they hear a loud noise to barking when you leave the house. It is upsetting for everyone (us as veterinarians and you as owners). Anxiety arises from various reasons—fear, change in routine, separation from…

You CAN Teach Owners New Tricks

You CAN Teach Owners New Tricks

What’s the secret to a well-behaved dog? The answer has been in front of you all along! As school resumes, your children are not the only ones that benefit from education. Although “Sit”, “Stay”, “Come” may seem elementary training for your dog to know, it’s amazing how many dogs I encounter that have trouble with these basic commands. All dogs want to please their owners but often we have trouble communicating our needs to them….

Best Tips for Anxiety in Dogs

Best Tips for Anxiety in Dogs

We have lots of patients with anxiety. This can range from shaking when they hear a loud noise to barking as soon as you leave the house. It’s upsetting for everyone (us as veterinarians and you as owners). Unfortunately, we don’t have anything that will “definitely” work for every dog. We do know that usually medications alone are not enough, we also have to employee other soothing techniques such as pheromone collars/diffusers (adaptil), thundershirts which…